Purchase from Quartzy at HHMI using PunchOut

Quartzy is an approved vendor and has a PunchOut integration with Howard Hughes Medical Institute! The Quartzy PunchOut is available to users at all HHMI labs, Janelia Research Campus, and Science Operations.

Read below for step-by-step instructions on how to purchase from Quartzy through HHMI Ariba, and scroll down to find additional resources at the bottom of this page. 

Note: If you're brand new to Quartzy or would like to confirm your HHMI account linkage, please follow the instructions in the following guide first: HHMI: How to join Quartzy and confirm access to HHMI PunchOut


Table of Contents

How to purchase from Quartzy with HHMI PunchOut

Lab Admins: please add your Procurement Service Partner (PSP) to your Quartzy Lab (as an Admin), so that they can provide order assistance if needed. Here’s how: Add users to a Quartzy Lab

Watch this short instructional video on how to use Quartzy's HHMI PunchOut:


Read below for step-by-step instructions on how to purchase from Quartzy via HHMI PunchOut! 

1. Log in to HHMI’s Ariba P2P requisitioning system, and navigate to Quartzy PunchOut

We recommend adding the Quartzy PunchOut to your Favorites list for easy access and quick ordering. See how in the following guide: How to add Quartzy PunchOut to your Favorites list in Ariba Guided Buying


Tip: you may need to allow pop-ups from your procurement system in order for the Quartzy PunchOut to open.


2.  You'll land on the Quartzy PunchOut if you’ve recently logged into your Quartzy account. If prompted to login after clicking the P2P Buy from Supplier button, simply login using your Quartzy login information.  

Once connected to the Quartzy PunchOut site, you will see a light blue banner at the top of your page that says PunchOut: Howard Hughes Medical Institute – HHMI.  

Note: The blue HHMI PunchOut banner indicates you are on the HHMI PunchOut site.  If, at any time, the blue PunchOut banner doesn’t display and you are attempting to order through HHMI PunchOut, close out of Quartzy and restart the PunchOut process in Ariba.

3. Once logged into Quartzy PunchOut site, navigate to your lab's shopping cart, and review the item and order details. 

If you need to add items to your lab’s shopping cart, check out the following guide: How to add items to your cart from the Quartzy Shop

4. Review the items in your Quartzy cart and submit your order.

  • If you need to remove items from your cart, use either the Remove or Save for later button for those items. 
  • Select expedited shipping on requests you'd like expedited. If an item does not display an option to expedite, it may still be available! To request expedited shipping, email hhmisupport@quartzy.com with the item's Catalog #, Quote #, and Budget for Shipping BEFORE placing the order.

Click the Submit Purchase Request button to transfer your Quartzy cart to Ariba (see note below if you have a promo code/discount). 


Note: if your lab has a promo/discount that you’d like to use for your order, click the Apply button on the associated promo code (found under the Order Summary on the right side of the page). Your discount will be applied automatically! Then, click the Submit Purchase Request button to continue.  


5. After your shopping cart is returned to Ariba, click Check Out.

6.  Complete the requisition. If no changes are needed, then submit for approval. 


7. Once the requisition is fully approved, P2P generates the Purchase Order and the PO is sent to Quartzy via the Ariba Network. 


8. Once the PO is received by Quartzy, Quartzy will start the fulfillment process.  


If you cannot access HHMI Ariba P2P for any reason:

  • Please submit a non-catalog order. Non-catalog orders are emailed to orders@quartzy.com by the Ariba Network and processed by a member of the Quartzy Orders team, generally on the same business day. 
  • Alternatively, add your PSP to your lab as an Admin (here’s how: Add users to a Quartzy Lab) and your PSP can place the order for you as a catalog/punchout order. 

Purchase Orders and Invoices 


Purchase Orders

PunchOut orders: Once the Ariba requisition is fully approved, Ariba will generate a Purchase Order and sync it to Quartzy for fulfillment. 

Non-catalog orders:  Once the Purchase Order is received by orders@quartzy.com, it’s processed by a member of the Quartzy Order Management team for fulfillment.

In Quartzy: The associated request(s) in Quartzy will auto-populate with the Purchase Order number, as well as the order confirmation number (starts with QY). 

Additionally, once items ship, the tracking information will be populated on the associated requests. More on this here: Quartzy Order Status/Tracking


Watch this short video to learn more about Quartzy order tracking:


PunchOut orders: The invoice will be automatically synced to your procurement system once available

Non-Catalog orders: The invoice will be emailed to AP@hhmi.org once available. 

In Quartzy: The invoice number will auto-populate on the associated requests as well (clicking the link will download the invoice PDF). 



How to modify and cancel requisitions and orders 

How to modify a cart/requisition

If you haven’t yet created the  Purchase Order in Ariba and need to change the items or quantity ordered, you can either delete the requisition and start a new one OR you can delete the items from the existing requisition, and then select Quartzy Buy from Supplier button to start a new PunchOut session with the needed items. 

As an example, if you need to modify the quantity of the item you’re ordering, you can take the following steps after selecting the Quartzy Buy from Supplier button:

  • Next, on the canceled request, click the Request Again button in the upper right corner:
  • On the next page, modify the quantity, and then submit the request. It will be added to your lab’s shopping cart. 
  • Follow the PunchOut checkout process. The requisition will reflect the updated quantity in Ariba! 


How to modify or cancel a Purchase Order that has been submitted:

If a Purchase Order has already been sent to Quartzy, follow the steps below. 

Modify an order

  • Email hhmisupport@quartzy.com or call 855-782-7899 option 2 with your Purchase Order number and details of the change you’d like to request. 
    • Once you receive confirmation that your order can be modified, be sure to document the change requested and Quartzy contact who confirmed the change in PO Comments field in Ariba P2P. 

Cancel an order

  • If your order has been assigned an order confirmation number (starts with QY - see below), follow the steps in this user-guide to request a cancellation: Cancel a Quartzy Order
    • Once the cancellation is confirmed by Quartzy, be sure to reach out to your PSP to let them know about the cancellation. 

  • If your order has NOT been assigned a Quartzy confirmation number, email hhmisupport@quartzy.com (or call 855-782-7899) with your PO# to request a cancellation 

How to PunchOut using a Quartzy Quote

If you would like to request a quote for any reason (bulk order, etc), email hhmisupport@quartzy.com with the following information for the item(s) you'd like to obtain a quote for: 

  • Manufacturer name and catalog # 
  • Unit size   
  • Quantity needed of that unit size 
  • Name of the Quartzy Lab the order is being placed in
  • Date needed by  

Quartzy's Life Science Product Team will reply ASAP! If the requested quantity is available at a discount, the team will send your lab a custom quote. Click Accept Quote and then follow the PunchOut process. 

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 2.07.58 PM.png 

Additional Resources  

To learn more about using Quartzy in your lab, watch our overview video below:

More questions? Contact us

Have more questions? Submit a request
