Quartzy can automatically send you an email notification when a chemical is within 30 days of expiring so that you can remember to reorder it or make sure to dispose of it properly. The owner of the item is the only one who will receive this notification.
1. From the Inventory module, click on the item name or serial # for the Inventory item you want to edit.
Tip: You can add expiration dates when adding a new inventory item or editing an existing one.
2. Scroll down the details panel or click on Specs in the headings bar to jump to section with the Expiration Date field. Click the Expiration Date box and select the date on the calendar that the item is set to expire.
3. Choose how far in advance you would like the Auto Reminder to be sent to the owner of the inventory item: 1 week, 2 weeks, or 1 month.
Next Up: Learn how customize the columns displayed in the Inventory
How do you mark an item as expired? I only see the delete option.
Hi Danielle. Thanks for your question! Showing an expiration date in the past is the only way right now to indicate that an inventory item is expired. You can sort by the Expiration Date column (just click on the column header) to easily display all past and upcoming dates to review what's expiring and be reminded to re-order them. If you'd like to discuss more options for how to keep your inventory organized and filter out expired or archived products, please reach out to support@quartzy.com and we'll be happy to work with you directly.