The Organization for your Quartzy account is your company or academic institution. Your Lab is your specific lab or team within your Organization. An Organization can have many Labs, while a Lab can only be associated with a single Organization.
Within an Organization on Quartzy's Starter, Professional, or Enterprise plans, users can be assigned the role of Org Admin or Org Member. The Org Admin role provides users with the ability to manage org members, manage the org's Quartzy subscription plan and billing settings, as well as set up Integrations and Custom Request Fields. Check out how to access this page below!
1. On the top left side of the toolbar, open the lab selection menu, and click the gear icon next to the Org Name.
Note: Only Org Admins will see the gear icon next to the Org Name.
2. From the Manage Organization section, select the tab for the page you'd like to view or edit.