How to buy from Quartzy using Effortless Quotes

Note: Only labs in the US can buy from Quartzy. If you would like to access this feature, please email

Effortless Quotes is a great way to save your lab money by giving you alternative sources for buying lab products. We've leveraged Quartzy's user base to get competitive prices that can be passed on to you! The feature is free and there's no obligation to buy.

Learn about how to buy from Quartzy in this short video!


Here's how it works: 

1. Add requests in the Requests module. Note: be sure to include the unit size, catalog number, and the unit price you usually pay.

Tip: If you don't know the price, enter the list price from the vendor or manufacturer's website.

2. View the quote below the request. Here's what a quote looks like: 

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 12.53.28 PM.png

3. Click Buy From Quartzy and add it to the Cart. Quartzy will become the vendor. 

4. Purchase the item through whichever payment method your lab is currently using. 


Next Up: Learn how to skip the quote and buy from the Quartzy Shop


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