When a request is marked as Received, you have the option to add it to your Lab's Inventory and place it in a specific location. Both Lab Admins and Lab Members can mark items as Received.
Receive a single request:
1. From the Requests module, select the Ordered status from the status navigation panel to view all items that are waiting to be received.
2. Click Mark Received in the far right column.
Receive multiple requests:
Mark multiple items as received by checking the boxes next to each item, selecting Group Actions and choosing Mark Received.
3. Confirm if the item is being added to inventory. Options for adding to the Inventory:
- Do Not Add To Inventory - The request is received and no update is made to inventory.
- Create New Inventory Item - Create a new inventory item based on the request details.
- Update Existing Inventory Item - (this option is available when the request was added directly from the inventory) - Add to the current amount in stock and update the location, lot number, expiration date, and location fields.
Tip: To mark a partial delivery, enter the Qty Received and the item will stay in the Ordered tab showing the quantity received and remaining.
4. If the request is linked to an inventory item, add the inventory item details.
Note: The "Amount Adding To Stock" field adds to the current inventory level; it does not overwrite it.
Any Custom Inventory Fields for an inventory Type that have been marked as required will be displayed and need to be filled out when receiving an item. If updating an existing inventory item, the existing values will be shown with the ability to overwrite them.
If the inventory Type is Chemical or Chemical - Hazardous, the CAS # field will be shown as an optional field.
5. Click Save to finish receiving the item.
Or, to print barcodes when receiving an item, check the box next to Print Barcode on Save.
Select an option for File Type and Barcode Type. Then, click Set Copies per Barcode.
To automatically generate a barcode for each quantity of the item being received, select Received Quantity as Copies. For example, receive 6 bottles and generate 6 barcodes.
Click Download and your item will be marked Received at the same time that the barcodes are downloaded.
Next Up: Learn how to request an item from the Inventory