Common Shipping Distribution Challenges Explained

Note: Only labs in the US can buy from Quartzy. If you would like to access this feature, please email

Order processing and fulfillment begin as soon as an order is placed on Quartzy! The Support Team works to ensure your order is accurately processed and shipped out in a timely manner. Items available for purchase from Quartzy will often have variable lead times and delivery expectations. We do our best to get you the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Please consider the following distribution challenges when placing an order:

High Demand COVID-19 Products

Many personal protective equipment (PPE) items are currently in short supply worldwide, especially masks and gloves. Since Quartzy works with many distributors and manufacturers, we rely heavily on them to communicate supply chain issues to us so we can in turn update availability information in the Quartzy Shop or provide updated delivery estimates for open orders. Please consider the delivery dates to be estimates and subject to change at this time. Any questions about availability or delivery dates for current or new orders can be sent to


Custom Items

When an item is ordered with custom specifications, Quartzy’s Support Team will reach out to you for the necessary details so the supplier can process the order ASAP. Replying quickly will ensure your order gets processed in a timely manner.


Made-to-Order Items

Some manufacturers begin to produce items like Biologics, Kits, Antibodies, and Equipment as soon as your order is placed. This is to ensure quality and increase shelf life so you can get the most out of the product. It’s important to note that made-to-order items may be more difficult to cancel or have a cancellation fee due to the immediate work that goes into getting that product ready to ship. Please use caution when ordering these products if you have any concerns about potential cancellation issues.


Supply Shortages & Distribution Center locations

Many items ordered from Quartzy are shipped from Quartzy's Fulfillment Centers, but others ship from different supplier facilities around the world. If items are out of stock in certain facilities, it takes time to add new stock. If manufactured items fail QC testing unexpectedly, it will take time to obtain more of that product before shipping orders. Highly demanded products are shipped on a first-come, first-served basis.


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