Export selected requests

Users can easily download a specific list of requests/orders using Request Filters, without having to export their full order history. 

Here's a few examples of the types of reports/lists that can be generated using Request Filters: 

  • All requests associated with a particular Budget (Grant ID, Fund, etc)
  • All currently backordered items 
  • All items received during the past week
  • All requests added by a specific person (Requester) 
  • Items purchased from a particular vendor
  • Requests that had their statuses changed to a specific type within a certain date range

Read below to learn how to generate a report of only the requests/orders you're interested in! 


Filter in the Requests module:

1. From the Requests module, select the Lab or Organization from which to export, then search and/or filter for the orders you're looking for.

Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 8.53.34 AM.png

Under the Filters on the left sidebar, you have the option to filter by Vendor, Requester, Budget (Grant ID, Project, Fund, or Account), and Type.  

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 11.33.27 AM.png

Additionally, users can filter by Status by selecting an option from the Status Navigation Bar or by selecting from the Other Statuses dropdown.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 1.04.00 PM.png



Export all requests in the filtered view: 

1. Select the Lab or Organization whose requests you want to export from the top left corner. Click Export Requests.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 3.49.35 PM.png

2. Select Submitted for the Filter by Date. Select Custom from the Date Range dropdown menu, leave the date fields blank, and check the box for Export requests that match the current view and filters only. Click Export File.

All requests that match your selected filters, status, and search will be exported as a CSV!


Export requests from a specified date range:

Users can filter requests by the date range a specific status update occurred.

To select the type of status update you’d like to filter by, use the Filter by Date dropdown. You can select from Submitted, Approved, Ordered, Received, or Cancelled.

Next, select an option from the Date Range dropdown menu: Custom, Last 12 Months, This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, This Year, or Last Year.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 4.36.59 PM.png

Finally, click Export File.


Export selected requests:

1. Select the checkboxes next to the requests you want to export, then click Group Actions and choose Export CSV. 

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 3.33.18 PM.png


Next Up: Learn how to import your order history via Excel


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