Quartzy Subscription FAQs

Organizations located within the US are eligible for Quartzy's Starter, Professional, and Enterprise subscription plans! Your Org will automatically enter a Free Trial period upon registration. 


What is the cost of a Quartzy subscription? 

The cost will depend on the plan selected and the number of seats your organization selects. More details can be found on our Pricing page! Contact sales@quartzy.com for more information. 


What's included in the Free Trial?

During the Free Trial period, your Organization will have access to the full functionality of the Quartzy platform, so you can decide if Quartzy is right for you! Users can create labs, streamline their workflow with the Requests and Inventory modules, as well as order supplies from the Quartzy Shop.

Additionally, a Quartzy Account Executive is available to guide you through the trial process and answer any questions you have about the platform or subscription options. To get in touch, contact sales@quartzy.com

Note: You can see Quartzy's new and upcoming features here!


How do I sign up?

Any time during or after the Free Trial period, an Org Admin can sign up for a Quartzy subscription plan from the Organization Billing page.  


How do I make a payment?

At the time you sign up for a Quartzy subscription, you'll choose between being billed monthly or annually. Organizations on a monthly billing schedule will pay via credit card. Organizations on an annual billing schedule can pay via credit card or purchase order with Net 30 terms. Org Admins can make payments as well as view and download invoices from your Organization Billing page. 


What happens to my Organization's orders and data if we decide to not subscribe?

If no subscription plan is chosen by the end of the Free Trial period, your Org's account will go into read-only mode. Any open orders will still be fulfilled as normal, as well as be covered by the Quartzy Guarantee

You'll also be able to view and export data from your account while in read-only. 


How long is left on my trial?

The Free Trial period is 14 days by default. During your trial, there will be an orange banner displayed at the top of your page with the number of days remaining on your trial. 


Next Up: Learn how to manage your Quartzy subscription


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