A new inventory action/status is now available in your Quartzy Lab allowing you to clean up your inventory without potentially losing valuable information! If you own the item, are an Admin of the group, or the Admin has granted the group members permission to edit items, archiving an item allows you to remove an item in the inventory without deleting the item.
Note: Items can still be deleted from inventory as needed.
Archiving Inventory Items
1. From the Inventory Table, click Archive
1a. From the item's detail panel, click More > Archive
2. Confirm you'd like to proceed with Archiving the selected Item
3. After confirmation, a success message appears & the item is removed from the table
4. To view your archived items, select the Archived Toggle
Restoring Archived Inventory Items
1. From the Inventory module, select the Archived Toggle
2. From the Inventory Table click Restore
2a. From the item's detail panel, click More > Restore
3. Confirm you'd like to proceed with Restoring the selected item
4. After confirmation, a success message appears & the item is moved back to active inventory status
Archiving and Restoring Multiple Inventory Items
1. Archiving: From the Inventory (A) module, select the checkbox (B) to the left of each item to archive, then click Group Actions (C) and choose Archive (D).
Note: When Restoring item(s) you'll also need to select the Archived toggle
2. Restoring: From the Inventory (A) module, select the Archived toggle (B), then select the checkbox (C) to the left of each item to restore, click Group Actions (D), and choose Restore (E).
2. Confirm you'd like to proceed with Archiving or Restoring the selected item(s)