If you're halfway through the fiscal year or all the way at the end and want to know how much you've spent, customize and export request details to an Excel spreadsheet.
1. Select the Lab or Organization you'd like to generate a report for from the menu in the upper lefthand corner.
2. From the Requests module, start by using the Status Navigation Bar and selecting from the Filters to customize your view.
Click Export Requests.
Link: CLICK HERE to learn more about how to filter requests.
Note: If your lab purchases supplies from Quartzy, use the Quartzy Items Toggle to view just items purchased from Quartzy!
3. Users can filter requests by the date range a specific status update occurred. To select the type of status update you’d like to filter by, use the Filter by Date dropdown. You can select from Submitted, Approved, Ordered, Received, or Cancelled.
4. Select an option from the Date Range dropdown menu: Custom, Last 12 Months, This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, This Year, or Last Year.
To export all-time data, choose Custom and leave the date fields blank.
5. Choose from the following exporting options and then click Export File.
(A) Export all requests that match the current view and filters.
(B) Export requests submitted within a certain date range AND match the current view and filters.
(C) Export all requests submitted in a certain date range regardless of the current view and filters.
Next Up: Learn how to set up automatic monthly spend reports