Filters in the Requests module allow you to easily find the requests that you're looking for, so that you can track or update the status, add or edit details, etc.
Under the Filters on the lefthand sidebar are options to filter by Vendor, Requester, Budget (Grant ID, Project, Fund, or Account), and Type.
Note: If your lab purchases supplies from Quartzy, use the Quartzy items only toggle to view just items purchased from Quartzy!
To view one status: from the Requests module, select a status in the Status Navigation Bar, or click Other Statuses to view Backordered or Cancelled requests. Your filtered results will appear immediately.
To view all requests: From the Requests module, click Other Statuses and then choose All Requests.
Read below to learn how to filter by Vendor, Requester, Budget, and Type!
1. In the Requests module, select the Filters you want to set on the left sidebar.
2. Click the filter to view a list of all values. If there are many options, type the first few characters into the search box to find the desired value faster.
3. Select as many filters as you like by checking the boxes. The filters will activate automatically.
4. To quickly turn off your active filters, click on Clear all. (Or you can click on the X next to each filter option to remove individual filters.)
Next Up: Learn how to update the status of multiple requests at once