Request items from the Inventory

The Requests and Inventory modules in Quartzy can be used independently, but they're even more useful when used together! Requested items can be added to the Inventory and when you're running low on items, you can add requests from the Inventory.

1. From the Inventory module, search and/or filter to find the item you're looking for.

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 9.33.17 AM.png

2. Click the Request button in the far right column.

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 9.36.17 AM.png

3. Choose an option (Found in inventory, Found in Quartzy Shop) and click Request to edit the details of that request.


4. Click Add Request at the bottom of the page to add that request to the same Lab that contains that Inventory item.

This newly added request will be available in the New area of the Requests module for the Lab where it was added. 

Alternate Option:

5. Click Use Request Form to view and edit the request details in an alternate view.

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 10.00.04 AM.png


Request Multiple Items from the Inventory

1. From the Inventory (A) module, select the checkboxes (B) next to the items to be requested, then click Group Actions (C) and choose Request (D).

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10.28.03 AM.png

2. Click the arrows to expand the request details for each item.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10.29.06 AM.png

3. Fill in request details such as quantity, unit price, and inventory Type, then click Add Requests.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10.29.47 AM.png

Next Up: Learn how to request items from the order history


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