Do I need to scan Quartzy barcodes?
You can scan any type of barcode, but Quartzy doesn't have a database of all known barcodes. The mobile app searches the same standard fields as the website search, so any barcodes that match catalog #, serial #, location, PO#, tracking#, etc. will return results.
Do I need to reprint barcodes whenever I receive items?
If you’ve applied the barcodes to shelves, you only need to print barcodes once. The item’s serial number is encoded in the barcode, so as long as it’s an existing item it won’t change.
Can I print barcodes from the mobile app?
Barcodes can only be generated from the Quartzy web application at this time.
Does the mobile app work on phones and tablets?
The mobile app works on iPhones and iPads, as well as Android phones and tablets.
Can I order from the Shop on the app?
The mobile app is primarily a barcode scanning tool. You’re able to update stock quantities, create requests, and receive items. Actions like ordering from the Shop, approving items, or looking up inventory item details is not currently supported.
Is the mobile app available internationally?
Yes! The mobile app has been released to every available country via the Apple iOS and Google Play stores.