Quartzy Concierge - Onboarding Guide

Note: Quartzy Concierge is currently only available as an add-on feature for the Starter, Pro or Enterprise subscription plans.  If you're interested in this feature, complete this form and a team member will reach out to you shortly.

Quartzy is your lab management platform — but we know you have many vendors you're purchasing from and need a solution to help facilitate all of your ordering.  Between the price comparisons, separate vendor websites, and keeping track of your orders, you're losing hours every week!

That’s why we created Quartzy Concierge, our procurement solution tool that helps lab managers place non-Quartzy orders by automating checkout, syncing tracking information and verifying contracted pricing on requests ordered by "Q-bot". 

Qbot places all orders via Purchase Order Number (PO) provided by your accounting software.

Ready to get started with Quartzy Concierge? Follow these steps to get onboarded! 


Supplier Logins

Qbot uses your username and password to check prices and place orders on vendor websites.*. This is the easiest and most accurate way for Q-bot to confirm and manage order placement of your requests.  

You can now manage these vendor usernames and passwords in the Supplier Logins tab of your Organization Settings on Quartzy.

Click here for step-by-step instructions.


Email Order Submission

If you do not have a Supplier Login for a vendor and would like Q-bot to place the order on your behalf, Q-bot can attempt to place an order by emailing the vendor order submission address.  NOTE: Not all suppliers provide order confirmation, order status updates or any form of communication on email order submissions.


Vendor Email Forwarding

Qbot uses the email notifications from your vendors to update your requests with the latest order and shipment information. To enable this feature, you can either setup automatic email forwarding, or add Qbot to your vendor accounts.

Automatic Email Forwarding:

  • If you already have a central inbox (e.g. orders@yourlabname.com), you can set up email forwarding from that inbox to Qbot. Most email providers include a "forwarding" option for exactly this purpose.
  • If you're receiving vendor emails at an employee account (e.g. john.doe@yourlabname.com), then you may need to apply a filter, to ensure that you only send us vendor emails.
    • In this case, placing orders with john.doe+orders@yourlabname.com might make the forwarding configuration simpler.

Secondary Address on Vendor Accounts:

  • Alternatively, if the vendor allows, you can add qbot@quartzy.com as a secondary address on each vendor site. The vendor will then CC or send a separate email to Qbot on each order.


*Data Privacy & Security

Quartzy is committed to protecting your privacy and security. We are certified SOC1 and SOC2 compliant. QUARTZY DOES NOT SELL OR RENT YOUR COMPANY'S DATA TO ANY 3RD PARTIES WHATSOEVER.

Refer to our privacy & security documents for more information:

For Quartzy Concierge, specifically, we have the following additional protections in place:

  • Login credentials for your vendors are stored encrypted.
  • Forwarded emails are stored in a private inbox.

We do use AfterShip to provide detailed tracking information on your shipments, but Aftership ensures your privacy as well: https://www.aftership.com/legal/privacy


Questions about Concierge? Check out the FAQ.


More questions? Contact us

Have more questions? Submit a request
