Introducing: Item Instances (Early Access)


What are item instances and their uses?

Item instances are a new structure in Quartzy's inventory. Instances allow for tracking individual batches or groupings of the same item. Some examples include:

  • Logging multiple lot numbers and expiration dates for the same item.
  • Find all locations where a specific item is currently stored.
  • Maintain more accurate inventory counts across multiple locations.

Inventory Table View.png

Table of Contents

Creating a New Item Instance

New item instances can be created from the Item Details Page, from the Receiving page, or when adding a new item to the Inventory.

Create a New Instance From the Item Details Page

  1. From the Inventory module, click on the name of the item for which you'd like to create an instance.
  2. Click Add New Item Instance.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 12.28.34 PM.png
  3. Enter the relevant details for the new instance, such as lot number, expiration date, quantity, and location.
  4. Click Create Instance.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 12.30.20 PM.png

Create a New Instance When Receiving an Item

Item instances will be created automatically when receiving a requested item and adding it to the Inventory.

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  • If the combination of the location, lot number, and expiration date fields matches an existing instance, the quantity will be updated when receiving
  • If the combination of the location, lot number, and expiration date fields does not match an existing instance, a new instance will be created automatically via the receiving flow.

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Create a New Instance When Adding an Inventory Item

  1. In the Inventory module, click Add Item.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 12.57.18 PM.png
  2. Search for an item or click Skip Lookup to use the item entry form.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 12.59.38 PM.png
  3. Enter the item details and click Add Item.
  4. If the amount in stock, location, lot number, or expiration date fields are filled in, an item instance will be created automatically.

Updating Quantity

Item Instance quantity can be updated from the Inventory table or from the Item Details Page.

Update Quantity From the Inventory Table View

  1. Locate the item in the inventory table.
  2. Click Expand and find the specific instance you want to update within the item's row.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.17.30 PM.png
  3. Click Update Quantity for that instance.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.19.09 PM.png
  4. Select Consume or Restock and enter the Quantity that is being changed.
  5. Click Update Quantity to save changes.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.21.42 PM.png

Update Quantity From the Item Details Page

  1. From the Inventory module, click the item name.
  2. Find the instance you want to update.
  3. Click Action, then choose Update Quantity for that instance.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.27.01 PM.png
  4. Select Consume or Restock and enter the Quantity that is being changed.
  5. Click Update Quantity to save changes.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.29.23 PM.png


Editing Existing Item Instances

  1. From the Inventory module, click on the item you wish to edit.
  2. Find the instance you want to update.
  3. Click Actions, then choose Edit Instance.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.32.05 PM.png
  4. Make edits, then click Save Changes.
    Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 1.35.13 PM.png


Current Status: In Early Access

Item instances are currently in early access. Some existing inventory functionality is supported, and some features are still in development. If you're interested in the early access program, please sign up here.

Supported features

  1. Viewing instances in the inventory table.
  2. Viewing and creating instances from the new inventory details page.
  3. Bulk editing inventory fields.
  4. Type-specific custom fields.
  5. Updating quantity for instances via the web app.
  6. Receiving via the web app and mobile app.
  7. Requesting via the web app and mobile app.
  8. Inventory archiving.
  9. Barcoding at the item level.
  10. Inventory audit trail tracking (not visible yet).

Upcoming features

  1. Filtering inventory by location and sublocation.
  2. Importing and exporting instances.
  3. Updating quantity for instances via the mobile app.
  4. Support for the public API, webhooks, Slack, and Benchling integrations.
  5. Barcode support for item instances.
  6. Inventory audit trail visibility.
Have more questions? Submit a request
