Move inventory items from one Lab to another

Quartzy users can utilize the Excel import and export functions to easily copy inventory items from one lab to another in bulk.

Follow the steps below to get started: 

1. Export the inventory you want to transfer from the old Lab, and open the Excel file that is downloaded to your computer. 

2. Delete Column A (Delete? Y/N) and Column C (Serial Number) from each worksheet, and save the file.  

Important: If the user that is importing the inventory to the new lab should be made the Owner of all items, delete Column G (Owner) as well. The user that imports the file will automatically be assigned as the owner for all items. Otherwise, make sure all of the users listed in the Owner column have been added as a user to the new lab, or are edited to be a user in the new lab. 

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 9.10.07 AM.png

3. Click the Import Inventory button on the left sidebar of the Inventory module for the new Lab, and follow the instructions to upload the revised file


Next Up: Learn how to edit inventory item details via Excel


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    Center for Chromosome Stability

    Is the easier method up and running soon?

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    Monica Lovoi

    Right now, the method described in this article is the easiest one for moving items from one group to another. We'll be sure to update this page if this functionality changes. :)

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    Chris Chow

    Yea, seems like we need a way to put in something like a "request for transfer" similar to a purchase request, except that items come from another lab location.
    So, more specifically, is there a workflow for transfering items to different Locations?

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the feedback! If you'd like to move an Inventory item from one Location to another within a Lab, you can do so by editing the details of that Inventory item. :) Here's more on this:

    If you have any additional questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us directly at :)