Both Members and Admins can mark requests as Received in Quartzy!
If the request status is Submitted or Approved, it has not been fully processed and cannot yet be marked as Received. Tip: check the Ordered tab to see the Requests that are eligible to be marked as Received!
The image below shows the view from a Member account:
Note: If you are in charge of processing orders, make sure a Lab Admin promotes you to Admin status
Next Up: Learn how to add received items to the Inventory
I am the Group Admin, and although we have requests marked as "Ordered," I still cannot mark them as "Received." When I click on the "Mark as Received" button, nothing happens.
This is happening to me too.
Hi Phillip and Tammy,
There was a bug with marking items as received this morning that our engineers have since been able to fix. Apologies for the inconvenience! Feel free to email with any additional questions. :)